Repeal the NFA Act of 2024 Zion Patriot, January 14, 2025January 14, 2025 H.R. 450 on H.R. 450 has been revived and is currently in the House of Representatives. This short bill seeks to repeal the NFA. But will it pass? The National Firearms Act (NFA), enacted in 1934, imposes strict regulations on certain types of firearms and accessories, including short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, machine guns, suppressors (silencers), and other “destructive devices.” Owners of these items must register them with the federal government, pay a $200 tax, and undergo an extensive background check. With Republicans holding a slim majority in the House (220 to 215), the bill has a slim to decent chance of passing if it advances beyond the Ways and Means Committee. It would then proceed to the Senate, where the challenges become much greater. However, I don’t think it will pass in the Senate since Democrats are likely to invoke the filibuster, which requires a supermajority of 60 votes to overcome. Currently, Republicans hold 53 seats in the Senate, meaning they would need 7 Democrats to vote for the bill. At best, you might get 2 or 3 Democrats to support it, but getting to 7 is a very tall order. If it somehow passes the Senate, it would then land on President Trump’s desk, and he would almost certainly sign it. However, I highly doubt it will ever get that far. Should the NFA be repealed? Absolutely! Will it be repealed? I wouldn’t hold your breath. While many “Gun Tubers” are excited about this and the bill to disband the ATF, I think the likelihood of either making it to President Trump’s desk is slim to none. 2A News Politics