S. 3223 – AMMO Act of 2023 Zion Patriot, November 7, 2023November 7, 2023 A new bill, Dubbed the AMMO act (Ammunition Modernization & Monitoring Oversight), is being introduced by Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) that, based on the title, “seeks to amend title 18, United States Code, to prevent bulk sales of ammunition, promote recordkeeping and reporting about ammunition, end ammunition straw purchasing, and require a background check before the transfer of ammunition by certain Federal firearms licensees to non-licensees.” We do not have the full text of the bill yet including the definitions that would be key to what they mean by “bulk sales of ammunition”. Currently ammo purchases can be made by anyone over the age of 18. the only “straw” purchases would be an adult buying ammo for a juvenile. However, this bill appears to also require background checks for ammo purchases and a registry of ammo purchases, which would also be a back door gun registry since typically only gun owners purchase ammo. In remarks about the bill, Sen. Warren commented, “‘…Right now there are no federal restrictions on the sale of ammunition and that makes no sense at all.” No, Sen Warren. What doesn’t make sense is how you and your colleagues, who all swore an oath to uphold the constitution are constantly violating it with legislation like this. You don’t get to pick and choose what parts of the constitution you agree with and legislate away the parts you don’t. The constitution does not give us our rights – it stops the government from taking them away. It is high time that our lawmakers that violate their constitutional oath be held accountable and face consequences for trying to violate our freedoms. Update A similar bill in the House of Representatives bearing the same title has also been introduced. H.R.6172 also does not have text at this time, but there are some indications are that the bulk is defined as 100 rounds of .50 caliber or 1,000 rounds of any other caliber in a 5-day period. 2A News Gun Control Politics